Other Strategies to Tighten that Muscle
Biofeedback is very useful for those who have a difficult time isolating the correct pelvic floor muscles. A device is inserted into the vagina and the patient concentrates on squeezing the correct muscles. When she is successful in moving the right muscles, a tone or some kind of indicator sounds. After time, muscle memory will kick in and the patient will be confident in her muscle manipulation.
There’s another technique to stimulate the correct muscles. It is electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles to contract and release the muscles so they get a workout. The patient can learn to feel which muscles are contracting and relaxing and which ones are supposed to be involved with the exercise.
As you can see, pelvic floor exercises are not easy or particularly fun but they do play an important role in your lower abdominal health. And for women who just birthed a child, you will get in sexual shape faster if you do these exercises.