It’s hard to resist the sweet taste of a perfectly ripened pineapple. Rich and juicy, pineapples make a great snack.

But did you know that pineapples have some pretty awesome health benefits, too?


That’s because pineapples contain a health warrior called bromelain. In fact, this enzyme has so many health benefits it’s hard to list them all in one sitting.


“Bromelain is a kind of proteolytic enzyme that is obtained from pineapple,” according to Natural News. “With countless studies about bromelain, the benefits of this anti-inflammatory enzyme are ever increasing and even more recognized now.”


From fighting cancer to relieving painful menstrual cramps, pineapples can truly work wonders. Check out these nine reasons to eat pineapple toda




So you’ve got a burn? Pineapple just might help your body’s overall healing process.


”Studies in animals suggest that bromelain, when applied to the skin, may be useful in removing dead tissue from third-degree burns, a process called debridement,” according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. “One preliminary study of a debridement agent that is derived from bromelain to treat people with second- and third-degree burns showed a benefit.”


That said, the University of Maryland Medical Center says it’s important to seek professional care for severe burns. In addition, bromelain should never be applied to broken skin. In other words, use caution and assess the situation before trying this method of burn treatment. 





If you’re feeling the effects of arthritis, you just might want to reach for a serving of pineapple or a bromelain supplement. That’s because some studies show that bromelain can help with arthritic pain.


“Studies show mixed results. But one study suggested that a combination of bromelain, rutoside and trypsin worked as well for reducing knee pain from osteoarthritis as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are commonly used pain relievers,” according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


The University of Maryland Medical Center found evidence that bromelain may help reduce pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis, though more research is needed.


So next time that arthritis acts up, dive into a pineapple treat. It just might help.



Reduced Inflammation


Inflammation is part of the aging process. But did you know that the bromelain found in pineapple can help ease this inflammation?


According to Natural News, bromelain thins blood to prevent clots and prevents bruising with anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain also may reduce redness and swelling.


In addition, Natural News says that doctors suggest bromelain as a supplement after surgery to ease the trauma caused by incisions or injections.




Got a zit you just can’t get rid of? Pineapple could help to clear up your skin. In truth, bromelain is a skin care wonder.

Natural News says bromelain may improve certain inflammatory skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.


Now that’s food for thought when it comes to skin care. Perhaps pineapple can clear up that unwelcome blemish.



Cancer Prevention


The headline in the UK newspaper, The Mirror, shocked readers. It read “I Beat Terminal Cancer with Pineapples.”


Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Candice-Marie Fox swears pineapple helped her beat this silent killer.


“The now 31-year-old was offered chemotherapy but declined as it had ‘killed’ friends of hers and instead overhauled her life by munching up to three pineapples a day,” says the Mirror UK.  “Within six months her grade four cancer was almost gone and astonished medics have now confirmed the marketing worker is completely free of tumors, and she now runs a website encouraging others to take control of their health.”


So just how did this happen? It all comes down to pineapple consumption.


“She gorged on fruits like pineapple, which are high in bromelain, thought to 'eat away' at cancer, and ditched heavy meals which zapped energy away from 'healing.’ When she returned to her doctor six months after her dire diagnosis, tests confirmed she had almost completely killed her cancer.”


Just remember it’s always important to follow your doctor’s advice when it comes to cancer care. While pineapple can have benefits, you should never go off of your prescribed cancer care routine without much consideration and research.



Better Digestive Health


Are you suffering from frustrating indigestion? A yummy glass of pineapple juice just might do the trick when it comes to easing stomach issues.


There’s an easy method when it comes to trying this form of treatment. According to the Examiner, “If you experience indigestion after a meal, a six- or eight-ounce glass can often bring relief in as little as 20 to 30 minutes. To help in managing gut health on an ongoing basis, drink four ounces of juice daily first thing in the morning.”


So give pineapple juice a try. It just might eliminate your tummy issues.


Menstrual Cramps


Let’s face it -- cramps are no fun. In fact, they’re downright irritating. But the bromelain found in pineapple could help alleviate some of the pain.


According to Step to Health, the bromelain in pineapple “is thought to relax the muscles and prevent menstrual cramps.” In other words, pineapple might make your period a whole lot more tolerable.


This is just another reason to add pineapple to your life. After all, who wants cramps?



Heart Health


Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, and this powerful vitamin plays a role in heart health.


“Some studies -- though not all -- suggest that vitamin C can slow down the progression of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),” according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. It may help reduce damage from LDL ("bad") cholesterol, which then builds up as plaque in the arteries and can cause heart attack or stroke.


People with vitamin C deficiencies may be more at risk of heart attack, stroke or peripheral artery disease, all potential results of having atherosclerosis.


Sinus Problems


Having sinus issues? Try a little pineapple.


“Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, appears to relieve symptoms of acute sinusitis,” according to the University of Michigan Health System. “In a double-blind trial, 87 percent of patients who took bromelain reported good to excellent results compared with 68 percent of those taking a placebo.”


To counter sinusitis, load up on pineapple or consider adding a bromelain supplement to your healthcare routine. Who knows? It just might work.